Oh! Show Productions is currently in production on a new documentary film around the subject of homeless families and the non-profit organization CATCH

What is CATCH?

Charitable Assistance To Community’s Homeless (CATCH), Inc. is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization committed to re-housing and serving homeless families with children.  CATCH, Inc. programs support families for up to six months with rental assistance and intensive case management. 

The CATCH program model represents an unprecedented public/private partnership between regional government, area congregations of faith, local businesses, and strategic charitable organizations. Homeless families in Ada, Canyon, and Twin Falls counties are referred by local, emergency homeless shelters. Upon acceptance into the program, families are immediately moved into a housing unit (typically an apartment with a lease in their name) and provided basic household furnishings. 

If not already working, adults are given up to sixty days to find employment and are provided a wealth of community resources. The ultimate goal for families is self sufficiency, and participants are expected to pay their own rent within six months. Approximately 86% of homeless families served are able to pay their own rent within six months.

For more information on the CATCH program and how you can help, please visit their website: CLICK HERE